We provide solutions to help you expand into markets, make informed decisions, and stay ahead of trends.
Deliver personalised email campaigns that engage audiences and drive measurable cost-effective results.
Drive direct connections with precision-targeted telemarketing supported by verified, compliant data.
Create impactful, personalised direct mail campaigns with seamless design, printing, and distribution.
Inspire action and increase donations with donor specific data, and multi-channel campaigns.
Centralised marketing drives consumer demand to franchisees while maintaining brand consistency.
Engage buyers at the key point in their purchase journey through behavioural data and accurate tailored messaging.
Join us as an Agency Partner to gain access to high quality consumer and business data sets and behavioural insights.
Influence voters with precise targeting, rapid polling, and multi-channel outreach strategies.
We provide solutions to help you expand into markets, make informed decisions, and stay ahead of trends.
Deliver personalised email campaigns that engage audiences and drive measurable cost-effective results.
Drive direct connections with precision-targeted telemarketing supported by verified, compliant data.
Create impactful, personalised direct mail campaigns with seamless design, printing, and distribution.
Inspire action and increase donations with donor specific data, and multi-channel campaigns.
Centralised marketing drives consumer demand to franchisees while maintaining brand consistency.
Engage buyers at the key point in their purchase journey through behavioural data and accurate tailored messaging.
Join us as an Agency Partner to gain access to high quality consumer and business data sets and behavioural insights.
Influence voters with precise targeting, rapid polling, and multi-channel outreach strategies.
This policy sets out Buzz Saw’s requirements for the use of strong passwords, the protection of those passwords, and the regular changing of those passwords.
This policy applies to all staff, including employees, contractors and interns, etc. working under the Access Control Policy.
Revision |
Date |
Record of Changes |
Approved By |
0.0 |
01/01/2020 |
Initial Issue |
The digital version of this document is the most recent version. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure that any printed version is the most recent version. The printed version of this manual is uncontrolled, and cannot be relied upon, except when formally issued by the ISMS Manager and provided with a document reference number and revision in the fields below:
Document Ref. |
Rev. |
Uncontrolled Copy |
X |
Controlled Copy |
Standard |
Title |
Description |
SO 27000:2014 |
Information security management systems |
Overview and vocabulary |
5O 27001:2013 |
Information security management systems |
Requirements |
ISO 27002:2013 |
Information technology-security techniques |
Code of practice for information security controls |
The ISMS Manager is responsible for all aspects of the implementation and management of this procedure unless noted otherwise.
Managers and supervisors are responsible for the implementation of this policy, within the scope of their responsibilities, and must ensure that all personnel under their control understand and undertake their responsibilities accordingly.
To ensure the continuing security and integrity of all Buzz Saw’s system/access login accounts the following procedures and practices must be followed:
All ICT devices which may require local logon privileges for configuration and maintenance must have the built-in default admin (or equivalent) account password promptly changed in line with the guidelines of this policy wherever possible
All ICT systems should:
– Support individual user authentication
– Prevent the storing of passwords in clear text or in any easily reversible form
– Provide for management of specific roles and functions within a system enabling
delegation of tasks to individuals
– Not contain or utilize embedded (hard-coded)passwords
– numeric-(0-9)
– uppercase-(A-Z
– lowercase-(a-z)
– special characters (?,!,@,#,%,etc…)
– names of family, pets, friends, co-workers, fantasy characters, etc.
– computer terms and names, commands, sites, companies, hardware, software.
– birthdays and other personal information such as addresses and phone numbers.
– word or number patterns like aaabbb, qwerty, zyxwvuts, 123321, etc.
– any of the above spelled backwards.
– any of the above preceded or followed by a digit (e.g.,secret1,1secret)
If an account or password is suspected to have been compromised, report the incident as soon as possible to <IT Services> and Immediately change any/all passwords which may have been compromised.
Buzz Saw will take all necessary measures to remedy any breach of this policy including the use of our disciplinary or contractual processes where appropriate.
Records retained in support of this procedure are listed in the ISMS Controlled Records Register and controlled according to the Control of Management System Records Procedure.
Don’t have an account?